Please watch the clips: https://youtu.be/7uJxdt6C26Y


A piece from my Diary. Sometimes not posting it at the time of occassion is the right time.

Everyone is wishing everyone a Happy Women's Day. Okay Fine But somewhere in my mind, a lot of questions were raised. I was silent there. Every work place, every media outlet is talking about representation of gender. How women are improvising and how they were suppressed even then and now

I started writing, No offence or judgements; I know that being a girl I shouldn’t say this and you will not accept it, but these are my thoughts.

Haan, As a girl, I know how it feels to face difficulties. Maa.. I don’t want to go to school today. Don’t overreact; every girl goes through this every month. Haan I agree, but when I didn’t choose this, why should I go through this? Every girl has different symptoms. Not every girl is the same. Everyone’s comfort zone will be different at that time. Why don’t they understand? 9 months of motherhood and labor pains, Sacrificing her career for family, becoming a maid in her own home by doing all the household work..? I can feel how it feels.

Representation of gender. We always had this concept in journalism. Objectivity vs. subjectivity

Why do we still need women's empowerment? Why are people always subjective towards women? Without googling, can anyone tell me when International Men's Day will be celebrated as fast as light? Is there any girl here who wished her father a Happy Men’s Day and wanted to make him feel special? Generally, I saw husbands make their wives feel special on Women’s Day... Is there any woman here who recognized her husband's mental and physical status, pressure, and hard work and wanted to make him feel special, at least by wishing him? Male colleagues celebrate women’s day in a grand manner. Are there any female coworkers here who celebrate Men's Day at work place? No, no one will remember; it may be 5% of 100%.

Please watch this clip: https://youtu.be/7uJxdt6C26Y. The IPC Laws favouring women should not become their tools to suppress Men, But to protect themselves when men are wrong with them

I think your mind will be empty and silent for 2 minutes. No worries. Well, domestic violence is the term that means violence we face at home. People changed the term and gave it a new meaning. It’s the violence from men towards women at home. But there are men who still face domestic violence.

There are men who are passionate about cooking but have stopped themselves because of societal customs. It is not only girls who have stopped themselves from doing aeronautical or mechanical engineering.

If you can question me about sexual harassment by men, then when you want equality, you should be equally competent enough to protect yourself. If he is touching you in an inappropriate way, then you should be able to hit him. If you are not physically competent and he is torturing you and saying equality, Because if you are not equal in physical strength, then how can you ask for equality? If he is suppressing you mentally, you should have the willpower to take it on and tackle it. Suffering with patience and saying that men are suppressing us is not the solution.

If you talk about Equality Honour, Celebrations should also be equal in a way.

The thing here we are forgetting is that there are two aspects: one is social (gender and equality) and another is biological (sex (M & F) and body) more in a scientific way. Our bodies are structured and designed in certain ways, where women can do certain things and men can do certain things. It is possible to give birth to a baby and have physical strength. We should accept that and move on. These biological aspects are reflected in social aspects. It's not about who is superior and who is great. Both are great in their own way.

After a few days, I found this beautiful short film. https://youtu.be/rQkW6fY8z-s 

We should raise our voice as an Individual like a women. Not like a women who are suppressing by a men, Because there are women outside who are suppressing men too. Equality should achieve through equality only, not prioritizing the partiality. 

When a mother cannot support her child in her pain and dreams. Where can I find that trust? Let me conclude here with an example: don’t change the meaning of terms or vocabulary like domestic violence, equality, or suppression. If you need equality, and men have 50% and you have 20%, You should not drag men down to 20% and say we are equal. You should raise your levels.

P.S. I am not supporting any gender; I am just trying to be objective and neutral. My point is that instead of fighting for equality, women should raise their levels even more and become more independent.

Funny thing is while i am trying to add tags, I found women's day in suggestions, Not men's day.

Equality should not be achieved through suppression.
