A letter 2 my Dear Friend MIGRAINE

              My Dear Migraine

My dear migraine,

 You wanted make freindship with me...
So can u please help me in facing the bullets of questions from people.. 
Why u r feeling frustrated ? Why u r depressed nd lonely ? Why don't u like lights nd sounds ? Why u r feeling afraid ( bcz I don't know again when u ll meet me) ? Why u r getting headache ?

Instead of helping and understanding they are throwing this on me dear. 

What I should answer to them dear
U know what, I lost each nd everything when u r trying to become my friend 

* Yes people thought I'm fake nd my pain is fake it's just a simple headache. No it's not but throbbing one sided pain which feels like someone is hitting me with hammer and nails Sometimes it feels like labor pains are better. Dear, How to make them understand

* Vertigo nd Unconsciousness - They Don't know about it. How difficult it is to deal with vertigo. Don't know, when it ll occur when I ll fell down But have to work but I'm still getting questions like bullets

* People mock at me that she always prefer dark nd quietness. Yes I have to be in dark nd quiet Bcz u don't allow me to see light nd hear sounds But it's hard to deal with Beacuse I used to afraid alone in dark nd silent But there's No option. A small phone light nd notiifcation sound makes it worse.

* That unknown frustration and irritation u gave, which is impossible to control made me a rude person Infront of my dear ones 
That Difficulty in Concentration, Visual Disturbances nd Speech Inabilities always acted like Communication Barriers for me. Misunderstandings made my Relationships Weak nd Worse Lost Family nd Freinds who r my world  I failed as communication student. Yes 

* When I'm about to explore my passion in mass communication Doctor straight away told me Don't think to write which is my passion Don't work with lights and sounds when I wanted to work in films I kept myself calm That's all I can do to survive.

* My dear friend migraine,  we know Dperession is not a reason to migraine All this impacts of symptoms makes us depress But people don't get us. Stress is not at all reason for migraine. It's the neurological actions. But stress makes existing migraines worse.
*Only migraneuirs know how much Debilitating it is But people throw questions like Don't over act You just have headache How to make them understand all this gift of symptoms u gave How to tell that it's just not a headache,
It's a Heriditary Neurological Disorder nd It need proper diagnosis which world is thinking as simple as that nd misconception of migraines 

*You made me alone Depressed Lost my Career Health Peace You took each and everything nd everyone, At Certain point of my life. But dealing to Survive with you with my insecurities fears nd sadness that u gifted me.

 *The answer I got from my doctor is Control nd Deal with it because we can't cure this we can control I asked how long She indirectly replied lifelong.

* May be it's not that bad and dangerous it don't kill us But it makes a feeling of that Comparing this with other disease is just a just a shame to migraneuirs 

 Yours friend


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